Create your website within 60 minutes
What are the options if you need a website very quickly? Just say within an hour or so.

Single page site
In this article, I will assume a single web page suitable for display on the small and large screen. The names for these types of simple sites with all elements on a single page vary: Single page site, Single pager, One-page website, Landing page.
Or for a single page with a temporary function: holding page, lock screen, coming soon.
There are several online tools for creating and managing these types of sites. For all possibilities, the hosting is done by the service, but a domain can be added. That requires a bit more work and patience. The address of the site is of course unique, can contain a name and can be used as a 'coming soon' page or a springboard to another online module, for example a pop-up shop.
With this service, you can build a “one page” website at lightning speed. This could be for your personal profile, a landing page for an email campaign or perhaps something else, more extensive. The service is free but has a more extensive option where you can also use statistics, forms, your own domain and more.
Setting up a website is really quick and easy. You choose a template, adjust the captured areas for texts and photos, and you publish. I made this site in less than 15 minutes:

Everything within is in the English language, both in the operation and in the sample sites, but in principle the language is easy to adjust. I have to wait and see whether the site can be found in a search engine, and you don't get statistics with the basic version. Adjusting and further maintenance is then again very easy
Adobe Express
Adobe also offers the possibility to quickly create a single page website for free. I tried the free version and made this in 15 minutes:
Express is not specifically intended for websites, but also for a range of expressions on Social Media. With Express, you can make beautiful designs, and quickly share on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
Adobe Express got me up and running quickly, they offer a wide range of templates, but it is not really intended for publishing a permanent single page website. It is more like a very accessible version of Canva. Worth checking out, especially if you have already licensed Adobe:
This is also a form of a Single Page, but with the aim of setting up a page quickly to point your audience to multiple places on the web. They also currently offer a free and a paid service. Setting it up couldn't be easier, and it took maybe five minutes to create an account. It is also a piece of cake, but I would not really call this a site. But this can be useful for ad hoc matters such as an event or news items.

About me
A site where you can quickly and efficiently create your own profile. With a photo, a short biography and links to the social media profiles. Works very intuitively, but the aim is to present a single person. So not very suitable for a product, company or event. Unfortunately, the free version has no statistics.
Canva website builder
Recently, Canva added a feature to design and publish a website or webpage. I gave it a quick try and here is my five minutes of work website:
Also, Canva provides a rich set of templates and options within a simple flow.

GitHub page
For the more tech-savvy person, there is an option to create a page for free and quickly via GitHub Pages. You place your site (publicly) on GitHub and check it for publication. GitHub Pages also has a number of templates available. This option requires that you are already familiar with GitHub, and is therefore certainly not suitable for everyone.

Overview of services
This overview is not completely exhaustive and if I missed a service let me know. All the services and ways that I have listed here serve their own purpose. When it comes to building a nice looking single page website quickly, has the strongest cards in it hands.
- Carrd:
- Adobe Express:
- Linktree:
- About me:
- Canva:
- GitHub:
If there are long-term ambitions with the site, I prefer GitHub or a more extensive online service like Squarespace or Wix for a website and Ghost for blogging. Your hosting provider may also have other tools that can help you on your way. Earlier, I wrote about four ways to build and maintain a website.
Have fun!