Content creation is an art, marketing technology is a craft.
Content creation is an art, marketing technology (MarTech) is a craft. And together they are hard to beat.

For a while now, I've been looking for a good description of what I do. What I am good at. I got a good clue when I read about Von Humboldt, the biologist and explorer. Also called the inventor of nature. A great man who linked scientifically rigid measurements and loads of data to a humanistic and romantic image of nature. He connected facts with a story.

The story as a drive for actions
And it was precisely the story that had fascinated me for some time. I practise writing and immerse myself in the art of storytelling. I read about plots, look for examples in the profession and practise copywriting by publishing on Twitter. And yet, the story is nothing without a medium, a soil on which it can grow.
The screen showing us magic
Almost everything we see and read comes to us through a screen. And behind that screen, magical things happen. In the making, in the transmission and in the display. Digital magic behind the scenes. And this requires technology. A lot of technology in the form of software that processes data. Exactly that is my other fascination in my (professional) life. That of technology.
Marketing technology (MarTech)
This technology is partly about producing content, but for an equal part about marketing this content (products, services, events). In the form of digital campaigns.
To convincingly get a message to the right audience, you need magic. Just like a magician or an artist, this only works if it is done quickly, flawlessly and with an eye for detail. Only then will the illusion work and people will believe in what you are telling them or showing them. So, I link Content Production for the web to Marketing Technology (MarTech). Art to technology. This is how I have the most wonderful profession and business that I can imagine!
Content of my blog
After this insight, I immediately changed my blog and biography. It is no longer just about Web Content, but also about Marketing Technology. I'm confident that with this change, I can write even more focused articles that help you make the world on and behind our screens digitally tangible.
I also created a tag for MarTech and found that I had many articles that fit better with MarTech than with Content. A perfect adjustment.
Business aspect of MarTech
It is also important to note that clients often see content as a cost item and marketing (because it increases sales) more as an investment. It is also true that the supply of content production is greater, especially if quality is irrelevant. This does not apply to Technical Marketing because, due to complexities, it involves much more specific skills and experience in this area therefore counts much more.